Sunday, October 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Bear

This sweet, softly stuffed little bear was a birthday present in response to my granddaughter's request.   She loves the story Corduroy by Donn Freeman (an American classic).  I decided to make a little girl bear for her.  Click here for the pattern that I found online.  I decided to make her a little dress.  I created the little dress for her and included the pattern to download if you'd like to make it too.  I included some basic instructions with the pattern.  The bear pattern says that it's "easy" but I wouldn't venture this little bear unless you have some sewing experience.  I used 35 mm plastic joints and only stuffed her with poly fill.  I also sewed a wind up music box into the back of the bear (my "grandma trademark" for stuffed animals).

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Basil Magic!

Basil grows fast and furious during hot weather so in Arizona, I get a lot of basil.  I hang it to dry (looks nice on the kitchen wall), I eat it like lettuce, wrap it around slices of cheese, make pizza, pesto, and whatever else takes basil and still have leftovers. Below, you can see one of 3 pickings that I brought in from my herb garden over the last several days.
Want to know how I keep my basil fresh? Click here for a printable "how to" with pictures.